Avalon Historico-geographical Society
main / projects / current / Karaganda QR-guide


In the framework of the project on bicycle infrasctrucure development and bicycle tourism in Karaganda funded by the US Department of State, the most interesting sightseeing places of the city (monuments, buildings, etc.) were supplied with QR-coded sign plates, wherefrom you can follow the link, leading here, to our web-site, to the pages, devoted to the appropriate objects.

Miners’ palace of culture

"Miners’ glory" monument

Appak Baizhanov monument

Nurken Abdirov monument

Eternal flame

Abai monument

"Shalkyma" concert hall

Lenin monument

Palace of children and youth (in past – Pioneers palace)

"Chaika" hotel

Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel

Saints Peter and Paul church

Palace of culture by the Mining equipment repair plant (MERP)

Old Kazakh Drama Theatre

Old airport


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